NEW SONS ART is a site that we will help you explore LIFESTYLE.It begins with your dream and falls into reality.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Every time I try
For every time I've screwed up,
For every time I've said "I'm Sorry,"
And for every time I've not.
For every heart I've broken,
For every stone unturned,
For every one I've damaged
Due to an action or spoken word.
No, I'm not a loser.
I know I am no failure.
Some things take longer to learn.
In the end, I'll have things mastered.
Regret? I've had aplenty.
Self-loathing? I've lived that, too.
Walked away too many times,
Stepping closer to something new.
I know where I'm going.
I'm taking longer than I should,
But these setbacks are not failures,
Only detours through Wisdom's Woods.
Some people view forgiveness,
As a virtue for the weak.
An act of Mercy undeserved,
That serves no useful need.
They stand firmly in their judgment,
And won't consider a mistake.
They prefer to hold a senseless grudge,
Than accept amends when made.
They feel they have some Godly right,
To reject and criticize.
They're possessed by righteous anger,
And consumed by pointless pride.
They're focused on how they've been wronged,
And won't be made the fool again.
So they feel they must avenge themselves,
By refusing to give in.
They will sacrifice their family,
Or forsake a long, time friend.
Do anything they have to do,
To be the winner in the end.
Or perhaps it's that they can't resolve,
The depth of all their hurt.
Caused when someone that they've trusted,
Left them questioning their worth.
But no matter why the struggle,
Out of pride or out of fear.
Not being able to forgive,
Can cause the loss of ones most dear.
Yes, forgiveness is a virtue,
They even say it is divine.
But more than that it sets you free,
From what weighs you down inside.
The best way to approach this life,
Is to ask forgiveness and to forgive.
There's a balance to this crazy world,
So live and just let live.